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Noor is exquisite. It's one of those impossibly elegant names. Love it.You've got some beautiful combinations I never would have thought of. Noor Amandine, Noor Amelie, Noor Eloise, Noor Melisande, and Noor Violette. Noor Melisande is truly inspired.My two Noor combinations are Noor Hadassah and Noor Inez.
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I also really like Noor for every reason you stated. I disagree with the person who said it was not usable. Because of its similarity to Nora, I find it very usable, while still being unusual. There was a Queen Noor who happened to be American but married some foreign King (can't remember the nation) and became Queen Noor. I knew someone who named their cat Noor after her. So the name is not completely unfamiliar to me. The only downside IMO is that is is unisex, and I normally don't like unisex names. However to me it sounds entirely feminine. Noor Melisande, Noor Octavia and Noor Rosamund sound nice.
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Noor Eloise has instant appeal to me.
However, Noor is so unfamiliar generally that I question whether it's usable.
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It is beautiful. I had a close friend of this name when I was growing up. She was Iraqi, and she had a brother named Laith which I thought was gorgeous too.Anyway, I do find it a bit odd paired with names such as Winifred and Beatrix, I must admit. I'd combine it with something, if not Arabic, at least a bit less British. But I like these very much:Noor Léonie
Noor Primrose
Noor Rosaline
Noor Vivienne
Noor Viviana

This message was edited 12/19/2008, 12:57 AM

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