Username: bananarama
LN: Bianco
Lucio MicheleAge: 38
Occupation: Reporter
Interests: cooking, sleeping
Disabilities: None
Sofia FilomenaAge: 36
Occupation: Secretary
Interests: writing, riding her bike
Disabilities: None
Children: (biological or adopted; names, ages, interests, disabilities)
Giulia CristinaAge: 8
Interests: dancing, swimming, football (soccer)
Disabilities: None
Others living with you (your parents, grandparents, etc.):
Antonio MassimoAge: 58
Occupation: Technician
Interests: writing, watching TV, sunbathing
Disabilities: None
He is
Lucio's father.
Pets (species, other information): 2 cats, several fish
Hometown: Naples, Italy
House description: Huge house, with 7 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms.
Languages spoken: Italian, limited Spanish
Roman Catholic
Misc.: None
Number of children you’d like to adopt (max 7): 7
Genders: Both
Ages (nb-19): 4-17
Nationality/Country of origin: Italy, Spain, Albania
Language preference: At least some Italian preferred, but not neccessary
Religion preference:
Roman Catholic/Islam
Will you accept:
-Children with pets (what kind?): Yes, any
-Siblings?: Yes
-Friends?: No
-Disabilities? (kinds and severities): Yes, any
-Multiples?: No
-Pregnant teen?: No
-Teen mom, dad, or both?: No
Will you allow them to stay in contact with non-abusive parents?: Of course!
Other: None