[Opinions] I like it.
in reply to a message by Agata
Once I kind of forgave myself for liking something so uncharacteristic of my naming style ;-) I really got into Jason (ditto Justin and, to a lesser degree, Kevin). I suppose once I stopped being a teenager along with every Jason I happened to know, it stopped being a teenager name to me--and subsequently started to have quite the handsome ring to it. So I'm a relatively new fan.
Oh, plus I should note the actor Jason Isaacs; that probably pushed it over the edge for me. I'd imagine that helped it have more of a Man's Name sort of appeal as well.
My only beef with Christopher Jason is that I think the flow would be better as Jason Christopher. Other than that it would get my stamp of approval, for what it's worth.
Oh, plus I should note the actor Jason Isaacs; that probably pushed it over the edge for me. I'd imagine that helped it have more of a Man's Name sort of appeal as well.
My only beef with Christopher Jason is that I think the flow would be better as Jason Christopher. Other than that it would get my stamp of approval, for what it's worth.