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[Opinions] twins names help please!
Sorry this is so long! But TIA for the help!Ok so here's the problem: DH and I had talked about baby names when we found out we were pregnant again. I always have a list of favourite names going (like most of you here) and he was pretty much like "Ok, you pick and as long as I don't dislike it than we're good." (For example he vetoed Caspian but was ok w/ Caspar.) Well now he's having issues w/ both names (mostly brought on by my irritating MIL) and I'm getting extremely frustrated with this whole thing. I thought we were all set with names and I was happy with the choices but now DH and MIL are making me second guess :(Ok..... so here's the issues MIL has w/ my names that DH has been sucked into. Kelsey she thinks is a boys name and innapropriate for a girl. Odd since she was OK w/ Sascha for a boy. Jordana she doesn't like but has no specific reason and Jade she says is stone not a name. Her issue w/ Caspar is the whole "friendly ghost" thing. She's really irritating me on this one b/c she has started referring to him as "The Ghost" which has already created a few arguments between us. Emerson she hasn't commented on (so far.) As you can probably see I don't get along well w/ my MIL on a regular basis :)I'm not totally throwing out the names I have already picked but I did agree to consider other names to placate MIL which will in turn placate DH. I'm not budging on Jade and I really don't want to scratch Emerson either as mns, although I would consider Emery instead of Emerson. All my children are named after someone. That's the tradition in my family. Emerson is a name used a couple generations back as a mn and Jade is obviously after me. I really like the combo of Jordana Jade but I'm not sure I want Jordana as a fn.One other issue DH is having is that Cohen, Keenan, Kelsey & Caspar all start w/ a -K sound and he feels that Sascha is left out *rolls eyes*Anyways these are the ones I'm considering at the moment. I'm kinda stuck on boy names but any suggestions/opinions are more than welcome! girls:
Anastazja Jade nn Stazja
Piper Jordana Jade / Piper Jade
Carley Jordana Jade / Carley Jade / Charlotte Jade nn Carley
Ivey Jordana Jade (yes I know I spelled it oddly)
Natalija Jade
Phoebe Jadeboys:
Micah Emerson / Micah Emery (this is prob my fave next to Caspar)
Sage Emerson
Avery Emerson
Emery Sage
Gage Emerson
Jaron Emerson / Jaron Emery (is this too close to my brother Jarod's name?)Again I apologize that this is so long but thanks so much for the help!
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ic... Sascha can go either way... I've met one guy named Sasha and at least 1 girl
Kelsey can go either way, but these days is more of a girl's name than a boys' name... (kind of like Ashley)... Does she think of Beverly as a boys' name? It used to be, but now most Beverlys are girls... Kelsey is the same way. MIL needs to get with the times on this particular one... Personally, I think it sounds more girly than boyish anyway... Unlike Parker that sounds more boyish than girly, but I prefer it as a surname like it's supposed to be.
Have to admit Caspar would also cause me to think of the cartoon ghost character (or some middle eastern sage in a movie), though that's one that's not as well known with younger kids these days, so I'm not sure how much of an issue it would be for the child. Caspian almost sounds cool.
I like Emerson better than Emery (I wouldn't personally choose either myself, but Emerson's ok... just isn't my style).I think with Jade as a mn, the one that goes most nicely is Carley
For boys, Micah Emerson is the nicest of what you have listed...Others to go with Emerson... hmmm... maybe a handful of thoughtlets...
Nicholas (pick your spelling)
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Thanks! Actually after Kelsey & Caspar, Carley & Micah were my next faves... I was also thinking of Carley Jade w/ a nn of CJ. Too masculine??
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CJ can work for a girl
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How about Emerson Jade? They are unisex names. You can use that combo no matter if your having a boy or a girl.
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That is really cute, thank you. I'm actually having twins. A boy & a girl. :)
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Tbh I really wouldn't worry what your MIL says, easier said than done I'm sure! Sounds like she'd have a comment on any name you mention anyway! I'm going to move a couple of names around, but my top 3 fave combos would be:Phoebe Jade Kelsey and Sage Emerson
Ivy Jade and Caspar Emerson
Piper Jade Kelsey and Emery Sage
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Thanks I like Emery Sage & Piper Jade Kelsey.Short of telling her to go jump of a really high cliff I've made my opinion about her opinions on my kids names clear. :) She already had a hand in naming my son Sascha (she insisted that my husbands first son was named after her father Aleksandr) and I gave in on that b/c I actually really liked Sascha. So we'll see... between you and me she's a crazy old bat lol I'm doing my best to ignore her.
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My favorites are Phoebe Jade and Micah Emerson.I like all of your boys' names really except Avery...although it's okay, just not my favorite.The only one I don't like of your girls' names is Anastazja...spelling is a bit cumbersome.
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Quit letting her in on the choosing...Keep it between you and DH until the baby/babies actually arrive. Don't let her have an opinion.
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I think Caspar Emerson is an awesome name! It's by-far my favorite of the ones you listed. Micah Emerson would be my second favorite as well.
I like Charlotte Jade from your girls list. About the situation, they are your babies. Your mother-in-law already had her chance to name hers.
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I think that you should keep the names between you and your DH. its not your MIL's thing to worry about, your kids you name them bottom line!Anastazja Jade is lovely but i like the spelling Anastasia a lot better. The zj looks quite strange in Anastazja.I like Charlotte or Carley Jade too there very nice. :) ( I would go with charlotte and the NN carley becasue im named Carly and i really dislike my name.)I like Emerson, Micha and Emery. What about Emerson Micha?And Congrads on twins!!!!
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Thank you!I'm trying to keep her out of it. He's such a momma's boy sometimes tho! It really irks me. We started telling everyone the names we chose b/c we had (supposedly) settled on those and had gone a whole month without changing our minds.
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Also, I agree that it's too many 'k' sounds. Not that Sascha will feel left out, but it's a little overwhelming to have that many of the same sounding names in a sibling set.
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Perhaps you and DH should consider not including your MIL in the discussion?
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One can only hope lol :) Thanks for the -k comment too!
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I like Phoebe Jade and Micah Emerson for the twins.
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