And found out something interesting, about the number of people, given the names. I ended up pleasently surprised, so I wanted to share it with you.
I'll give you the combos first, the the number of people named it here, seperated by a /, between each number just right under it.
My 2 fave girl combos:Nikita Amelia Ambrosia# 462 / 92 / 5
Galina Teresa Catalina# 101 / 508 / 47
My 2 fave boy combos:Elliott Bastian Horatio# 21 / 723 / 0
Kieran Josiah Valentin# 21 / 5 / 100
Some of the numbers surprised me a lot. Names like
Bastian and
Kieran. Maybe also
Valentin. Names I thought were a lot more used here in Denmark, but apparently not. I wasn't suprised about all the rest, since I had a feeling about those. I'm easpecially happy about the names
Horatio and
But I am doing the happy dance, since I was thriving for the more unusual names (I like those names), than the ever boring top 10 names (I constantly hear when out), for Danish standards. And unusual names I certainly found.
Just wanted to share my joy.
*Continues doing the happy dance*