[Opinions] Mason
Lately I have been liking this name. What are your opinions on it. Perhaps it's because it was on a tv show and the guy was really hot.
I like it. It's not very popular here in Australia and I've never met anyone with the name before. It's quite a nice, manly sounding name to me.
Canning jar.
It's okay but I can't decide weather I like it more for a girl or a boy! I only liked it for a boy until I watched a TV show with a lady lawyer named Mason. It was perfect for her but I think...yes...it's better for a boy!
Never thought of it as a girls name
I don't really like it... Reminds me of the actual profession or a last name... Sorry!
I love this name! I know a little boy and a little girl each with this name and they are both adorable!
I really like this name!
Nikki :)

Proud Mama! See My Profile!
Nikki :)
Proud Mama! See My Profile!
I like it. Its better than Jason. :)