her nn could be maggie!
Magnolia is nms.
Possible nn is Maggie or Mags. Or even Nolie, Nola, or Lia.
mn suggestions:
Magnolia Elinor ... Magnolia Helen / Magnolia Ilona
Magnolia Corrine
Magnolia Eloise ... Magnolia Louise
Magnolia Daphne
Magnolia Olive
Magnolia Guinevere
Magnolia Alexandrina / Magnolia Alexandra / Magnolia Alexandria ... Magnolia Sasha
Magnolia Grace ... Magnolia Faith ... Magnolia Hope ... Magnolia Charity ... Magnolia Chastity ... Magnolia Felicity ... Magnolia Mercy
Magnolia Charlotte / Magnolia Carlotta
Magnolia Lillian / Magnolia Lily / Magnolia Lilly
Possible nn is Maggie or Mags. Or even Nolie, Nola, or Lia.
mn suggestions:
Magnolia Elinor ... Magnolia Helen / Magnolia Ilona
Magnolia Corrine
Magnolia Eloise ... Magnolia Louise
Magnolia Daphne
Magnolia Olive
Magnolia Guinevere
Magnolia Alexandrina / Magnolia Alexandra / Magnolia Alexandria ... Magnolia Sasha
Magnolia Grace ... Magnolia Faith ... Magnolia Hope ... Magnolia Charity ... Magnolia Chastity ... Magnolia Felicity ... Magnolia Mercy
Magnolia Charlotte / Magnolia Carlotta
Magnolia Lillian / Magnolia Lily / Magnolia Lilly
Nms, sorry. You could use Maggie as a nm.
When I was younger (much, much younger) I thought Magnolia Jane would be the most beautiful name ever. I got the idea from a tree we bought for my mother for Mother's Day, which was called a (surprise!) Magnolia Jane.
In retrospect I see how taking the entire name of a plant would be a mistake when naming a child, but I don't think Magnolia is an atrocious name in and of itself. I like other names that are coincidentally the names of trees (Rowan, Linden, etc) or flowers (Violet, Rose, etc) and the association doesnt' spoil them for me. Personally I wouldn't use Magnolia on a real child but in theory or if other people take a liking to it I think it's alright.
Also: the most likely nickname that comes to mind is Maggie.
In retrospect I see how taking the entire name of a plant would be a mistake when naming a child, but I don't think Magnolia is an atrocious name in and of itself. I like other names that are coincidentally the names of trees (Rowan, Linden, etc) or flowers (Violet, Rose, etc) and the association doesnt' spoil them for me. Personally I wouldn't use Magnolia on a real child but in theory or if other people take a liking to it I think it's alright.
Also: the most likely nickname that comes to mind is Maggie.