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[Facts] made up names
these names were made up. What does "made up" names mean? or how can meaning be given to a made up name?
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Well, technically, of course all names had to be made up sometime.However, in ancient times, people took elements of words and used them to construct names. For example, Alfred means "elf counsel" because the Old English elements "ælf", "elf", and "ræd", "counsel" are combined.Today, however, parents take random sounds and slap them together. Then they call it a name. Iteah, no offense, is just a random collage of pretty-sounding sounds that have no meaning individually or together.My opinion on how to give a made up name a meaning: A parent can go back to Old English, Ancient Germanic, Latin, or Ancient Greek (or any other ancient language), find an element or two (or three or four!) that have desirable meanings, and construct a name based on those elements. That would be how the ancients did it, and that's the only way that a modern made up name can have a legitimate meaning imo.Miranda
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