Welcome to Bex congrats!
Each round there will be a different set of name banks, sometimes you will be given a personal name bank, someone else may pick names for you, nymbler lists etc.
I'll take the first people until I post the next round (possibly later tonight or tomorrow morning my time).
Sign ups!
LN: (use a surname from the last book you read)
FOr the DH & DW go to
http://www.nymbler.com/nymbler/find-names.phpand use THREE of the following names to create your namebank, you must use the names in the first page only.
Cecily, Matilda, Constance, Eleanor, Verity, Marisol, Juniper, Zilla, Junia, Ione, Niamh, Olive, Wilhelmina
Cedric, Barnaby, Zane, Leander, Atticus, Vincent, Aubrey, Pierce, Magnus, Quinten, Cassius
Eg. I could use Olive, Atticus and Matilda
the names i could use:
Augustus, Winifred, Julius, Adelaide, Bertram, Ida, Flora etc.