UN: rubymay92
LN: Maguire
Name: Eliana Jessamine
Age: 32
Occupation: GP
Disabilities: None
Hobbies: Playing the piano, baking, listening to music, travelling, being a mum, swimming, writing.
Significant other
Name: Alfie Benjamin
Age: 34
Occupation: Architect
Disabilities: None
Hobbies: Running, cooking, listening to the radio, watching and playing football, holidays, being with the children.
DS: Felix George (6)
DD: Magnolia Kate (4)
DD: Violet Mae (2)
Pets: None
Type: House
Location: England
Land owned: 1 acre
Bedrooms: 7
Bathrooms: 4
What is/are the household’s religion(s)? None
What language(s) do household members speak? English
Do you travel? If so, how often and where to? We go on one foreign holiday a year, but we go camping in the UK quite alot.
How many children would you like to adopt: 3
Gender(s): Girls
Age: NB-6
Nationality: Any
Languages preference: No
Religion preference: No
Multiples: Either
Will you accept:
--siblings? Yes
--close relatives? Yes
--neighbors? No
--friends? No
--kids with pets? No
--children with disabilities? Yes - Mild disabilties
--pregnant teen/teen mother? Yes
--baby’s father? No
Will you allow them to stay in contact with non-abusive parents/relatives? Yes
This message was edited 2/23/2008, 3:15 PM