I heard the name Teela first time in the He-man cartoon series back in 1983. She was there captain of the eternian guard. Indeed a great series of cartoons and too a great cartoon character. I cannot think of a present day female cartton character who equals Teela.
Yet, I took a looked through the net and it seems that it is actually a real name too.
One place claimed that Teela was english after the bird teal.
A bird of blue-green colour. (I think they must be refereing to the Blue-winged teal whose latin name is Anas discors. For those who do not know what kind of bird a teal is it is a duck. Ther is probably a picture somewhere on the net)
Another site claimed Teela to be short for Telerienne should be a Scottish name meaning "The last of the kind".
The word must hold some meaning in connection to the hindu beliefs too since I stumbled upon the following name of sacred place for hindus in India: Dhruva Teela
What indeed the real meaning of the name Teela is I dare not say, but to me it will always hold a fragrance of Eternia.
If interested in learning more of the great He-man (and She-Ra) series fail not to visit the impressive site of Busta Toons: