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[Facts] Care to speculate with me?
My name has always meant pure. I've always been told so, and more or less accepted it despite how unfairly the definition fits me. It's just not interesting. Then I stumble on this site and discover that my English name is actually derived from Greek, and moreso, has been historically misinterpretted by the Romans to come from Katharos, meaning pure. The definition most likely is "each of the two." How obscure!!!! I was thinking along the lines of the Greecian mythology on the origin of human kind and sex and things like that. There were orininally three sets of two humans, stuck together. Two men, Two women, and a man and a woman. They were struck apart by a lightening bolt for some reason I can't recall. That's the origin of "soulmates," to find the person you would have really been stuck to. My confusion is in whether Katharine means that I am already both of those people together, or one alone, looking for the other.Comments and speculation would be greatly appreciated!Katie
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A person's *name* doesn't contain any information at all on that person's *nature*.A person's published *belief* that a name contains information on a person's nature, contains *per se* some information on that person's nature, though. However, for reasons of bliss, this information should not be made public.
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My deepest felt apologies, Mein Herr, I merely *wished* to *summarize* my *statement* as *breifly* as *possible* and *save* *people* such as *yourselves*from the *boredom* of *reading* a post *needlessly* long and *drawn* out *through* attentiveness to *P.C.* Moreso, if you decided to take my statement to a new and unexplored form of exactness and do a fair amount of inferring on the part of yourself to aquire an interpretation that so devastates your "bliss," I entirely retract. I wish bliss were more common these days and am ever the more humiliated for having damaged your web browsing bliss.
Even though my brash and overbearing e-demeanor has been so deleterious to your spiritual well being I really must contest such a blantant underestimation of the general demographic a web site such as this one would be inclined to receive. I do not, per se, beleive that my behavior or personality are at all effected by my name. Naming a child Shitead, beautiful name, does not make her a shit head. The same applies to names that are not so pristinely blatant. My aunt's name is Kennedy, and she is, oddly enough, not an ugly chief. Nonetheless, I doubt you would be at this particular place without some interest in names. Likewise my excitement at discovering that my name did NOT mean pure after all! So very excited I rounded fourth base with my boyfriend on the very spot. Whoopsie, that information should not have been made public. Point being, on a message board we will all share bits and pieces of ourselves, it's ridiculous to expect not to, after all, what makes us such strangers anyway? You could live accross and up the street from me, or work at the bank where I do business. But even if we have no relation whatsoever, we are not strangers, not enemies. I would never hurt you, nor you me (unless you are sense of humor-challenged and did not find my feciciousness to be funny). We have no reason to be anything but friends. Not that I would tell you all about my horrible foot fungus or meet you for coffee one sunny afternoon, that's silly. Treating people with self-righteousness is not something friends do. After all, I know you. Perhaps we will meet again. The odds are bad, but no worse than that I would be named Katharine, or find that it means something entirely different from what I originally thought.I love you,
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This is the craziest thead I have read in a while. My middle name is Catherine that is why I am here.
But Woah nelly!
Why were you so excited that your name didn't directly mean pure if you really don't think that the meaning of names coincide with a persons personality at all. I shouldn't have affected you either way.
The meaning could still mean pure. Why do you think that just because it says on this site that the Romans were wrong, that they actually were wrong. I think that they could have been right. How do you know?It isn't that far of a stretch to be derived from Katharos. It seems a lot more likely than the other derivatives that they have in the meaning.
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Yeah... wow... what a thread. Maybe it's my fever, but not one word of it made sense... and I don't understand what we are to be speculating. A lot of names have two origins. Consider the country of Georgia and the state of Georgia. Both names are derived from completely different sources, yet they are spelled and pronounced the same. Cool how that works... Anyways... so it's no surprise that there are two possible meanings for Katharine. Plus, the fact that there are several spellings could be the sign of a significant difference.I'm all about choosing a name with a nice meaning, but just because a meaning doesn't suit you doesn't mean anything. I've known some Chastitys who were dreadfully misnamed. A moniker is a moniker, and that is that.But anyways... I didn't mean to get involved. Sorry if my response is confusing at all or completely irrelevant to the topic, because I really am sick and I fear that I misinterpret a lot on days like these.Michelle
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haha. don't worry about it. You were totally understandable! I knew what you meant anyway.
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