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[Facts] a short form of my name.
what is the short or pet form of my name?
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How about Biss?
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How about Lesa (lisa),liese, lessa, billie, belle,essie,Essa.
Wow there are so many!
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cool name. How about Lessi, Lessie, Lessy. Its originaly a pet for Lesley. But I think you can get away with taking it. HEH. But there are names that can't have pet names anyway. Like mine for instance!
Or you could use ben,benn,benni,benny,bennie. There are lots of pet names! I'll post you if I think of any more!
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uhm...Essy other than Bless
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what is short 4 mi name?
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I certainly hope it's not Bless - bles in Afrikaans sounds the same but means Bald!If you want a nickname form, there's always Benedict(a), which could give you Ben or Dicky.
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