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[Surname] origin of m last name
Hi, i wanna know the meaning, origin, history, anything about my mast mane. my last name is MINO. I live in Mexico but my father used to say that, the last mane MINO is from Italy, but i really don't know. Hope you can help me. thanx...
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From the Oxford University Press "American Family Name Origins": Mino 1. Galiciam, Asturian-Leonese and Spanish (Miño): habitational name from any of several places in Galicia, Asturies, and Soria called Miño, which take their name from the Miño river on which they stand.2. Japanese (rare): variously written, usually with characters meaning ‘three fields’, though the actual meaning is ‘straw raincoat’.
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Italian Mino comes generally from two regions: one is in Northern Italy Piedmont (Piemonte9, th other in Southern Italy is Puglia region, the area of Bari: the "heel of Italy".
Mino could be an hypocoristic form of first names as Guglielmo, Giacomo or Anselmo
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