I respectfully but strongly disagree. To me, the word "name" does not mean a collection of syllables that has been applied to people for at least a certain amount of time. It refers to something with roots and meaning. It can even be something that a writer made up, as long as they based it on something. For example, Shakespeare made up the name
Miranda, but he based it on the Latin
mirandus, which has a meaning.
Dorian and
Pamela have similar origins.
My distinction on word names is shaky. I'm not sure why I think
Ruby is okay but
Heaven is not--I suppose it's a bit hypocritical of me, and I recognize that. I do not consider
LaToya and
Kaylee legit names.
ETA: I am fairly sure you will disagree with me, and that's fine--I think this is something we have to agree to disagree on. I am very conservative and picky, even anal-retentive, when it comes to names. I wouldn't dream of naming my daughter Stargazer, while that is one of your favorite names. So I think we're on opposite ends of the name spectrum.
ETA again: I hope this hasn't come across as a personal attack. I like you and respect you--I just disagree with you. No offense is intended.
This message was edited 8/5/2007, 8:13 PM