Second grandparent round is here! There was a bit of confusion last round about who gets the children and whatnot. The grandchildren you get can be split among your own children however you want. Families will be in a separate post. If you'd rather set your family up a different way, please let me know and I'll change it.
If you already did your family for this round, don't worry about the question. I forgot to put it in originally.
Grandchildren QuestionHow many pets do you currently own (in real life)?
0-1: 2 grandchildren
2-4: 4 grandchildren
5-8: 6 grandchildren
9+: 5 grandchildren
Pet naming rules Round Eight
Naming Rules Grandparent RoundsFirstborn:
~~Spouse: Any names you want.
~~Children: All first names start with the same letter. Middle names are your choice.
~~Spouse: Chinese; use a Chinese first name, one Chinese middle name, and an English middle name.
~~Children: Must have one flower/nature name and one popular name.
~~Spouse: First name begins with "O". Middle name is short.
~~Children: No requirements.
~~Spouse: First name; Naomi, Rose, Benjamin, or Henry. Middle name; your choice.
~~Children: All have long first names with nicknames. No requirements for middle names.
~~Spouse: First name is something you consider "exotic". Middle name is Indian.
~~Children: First names must start with a vowel. Middle names must be four letters or less.
~~Spouse: Both names must be Swedish.
~~Children: One name must be Swedish, one name is your choice.
~~Spouse: Must have a letter nickname (such as C.J. or J.C. or B.J.). Names are your choice.
~~Children: First names must mean a color (such as Bianca, Duncan, or Nila) or be a color (such as Blue or Scarlet). Middle names must start with A, B, C, or D.
~~Spouse: First name starts with J. Middle name has four vowels.
~~Children: First names have a "y" in them. Middle names are "car" names (here's a site:
~~Spouse: First name starts with "M". Middle name has a double letter in it.
~~Children: Names spell a word (ie, Ryan Adrian Tarnstrom is RAT and Colleen Olivia Tarnstrom is COT).
~~Spouse: Full name has three "d's" in it (ie, David Adrian Michaelson, Andrew Daniel Dillon, or Ashley Madeleine Maddox).
~~Children: One name must be Japanese, the other name must start with a consanant
~~Spouse: Has a name that sounds "rich" to you.
~~Children: One child must have the same name as his/her father/mother. The other children are your choice.
This message was edited 6/25/2007, 7:56 AM