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[Facts] -manzo names
Does anyone know the origin of names ending in -manzo? We all know Almanzo Wilder, from the Little House books, but I have also run across a Lomanzo (which was Wilder's brother-in-law's middle name) and today a Romanzo from roughly the same time period (probably about 10-15 years earlier). I've always wondered where Wilder's name came from, and have never seen any of these types of names in a name database anywhre.Thanks!
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-manzo names  ·  RachelChristine  ·  6/23/2007, 6:58 AM
Re: -manzo names  ·  Cleveland Kent Evans  ·  6/23/2007, 8:22 AM
Re: -manzo names  ·  RachelChristine  ·  6/23/2007, 4:48 PM
Re: -manzo names  ·  Kate  ·  6/23/2007, 8:14 AM