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[Facts] Origin of surname Turbay
Can anyone confirm that my surname Turbay has his origin in the english crusaders originals from the town Tor-bay, that they stay in the middle east and never came back to England? Are this surname related in any way to surname Turvey? This story was told to me by a relative of mine that lives in USA. I am a 47 male living in Mexico, my grandfather came from Lebanon and my family are the only one with this name in Mexico. Relatives of my grandfather arrives to Colombia where a much more numerous Turbay relatives live. Thanks to anyone that can provide a hint.
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Origin of surname Turbay  ·  Emilio Turbay  ·  9/10/2003, 4:51 AM
Re: Origin of surname Turbay  ·  cepni  ·  6/15/2024, 12:36 PM