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[Facts] Qiana®
I worked for the du Pont company at their Chattanooga Textie Fibers plant for 32 years, 2 months, and 3 weeks. I was in on the development of Qiana® fiber, first known only as T-37 (Type 37). When the fiber was seen to be commercialy feasible, a new plant addition was built behind the existing plant. The name "Qiana" was selected by a computer and was not known to be in existence anywhere else. The color purple was also selected for the fibers logo. I designed a 'symbol' for Qiana, which consisted of a chemical flask with a 'thread' coming from out of it, continuing around to spell Qiana and then continuing on down to be wound on a large 'spool'. These were printed up on a 2½ inch paper 'label' with a narrow purple border around the outside edge. There were also some ceramic lapel pins made with the same design. All employees working on the Qiana project were given one of these pins.~~~Joseph V.Tipton, P.O. Box 8035, Chattanooga, TN 37414-0035, Telephone (423) 622-5808
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Qiana®  ·  Tipton  ·  5/24/2007, 12:08 AM
Re: Qiana®  ·  Cleveland Kent Evans  ·  5/24/2007, 8:44 AM