PhillisYou: (name, age, profession, other info)
Elise Octavia, 24, Interior designer,
Significant other: (name, age, profession, other info)
Jason Robert Children: (name, age, other info) none yet
Pets: (name, species, other info) dog named Choo-choo
Others living with you: (name, age, profession, reason for living with you, other info) none
Living situation: (location; apartment/mansion/etc.; land owned; number of floors; other info) Mansion, 30 acres, 7, pool, and tennis courts
Religion: Catholic
Else? no
# of children: four
Genders? 2 of each
Ages? up to 7
Disabilities: preferably
Pets? What types? yes, all- no snakes!
Open or Closed: open
Teen parent? Father/Mother/Both? no
Pregnant teen? With father? no
Will you accept siblings and/or multiples? If so, up to how many? yes, quadruplets
Other preferences? (things like religion, language, nationality, hair color, etc.) all must speak english- at least as a second language and have natural hair color, from anywhere
Anything else?
An open adoption is an adoption in which the parents and/or other relatives can remain in contact with the adoptees. Closed is the opposite.