[Surname] Croquart, Harrah, Hollrah, Lebedun, Lipsitz, Passwater, Rhubart, Steimel, Steines, Tesh, Vardeman, Von Tussle, Zilbershlag
I'd like to know the origins & meanings of: Croquart, Harrah, Hollrah, Lebedun, Lipsitz, Passwater, Rhubart, Steimel, Steines, Tesh, Vardeman, Von Tussle, & Zilbershlag.
Croquart, Rhubart, Steimel, Steines, Tesh, Vardeman, & Von Tussle look like they would be German.
Harrah, Hollrah, Lebedun, Lipsitz, Passwater, & Zilbershlag look like they would be English, German, or Jewish.
Can anybody tell me the origins & meanings of these names ?