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[Facts] xing-xing more information please
I read a book and this was one of the characters names. It was pronounced shing-shing and meant something like star or shining star. If any one knows the meaning or if I'm not pronouncing it correctly please let me know. thanks!
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xing-xing more information please  ·  Kings_falcon  ·  4/2/2007, 9:49 AM
Re: xing-xing more information please  ·  sidewalkxlines  ·  4/8/2007, 4:52 PM
Re: xing-xing more information please  ·  sidewalkxlines  ·  4/8/2007, 4:52 PM
Re: xing-xing more information please  ·  Profe Esteban  ·  4/3/2007, 10:24 AM
Re: xing-xing more information please  ·  Minikui  ·  4/5/2007, 11:05 AM
Re: xing-xing more information please  ·  sidewalkxlines  ·  4/8/2007, 4:54 PM