[Games] Congrats Round Two
Its now 1989 and you and your SO are delighted to find out that you are having not one baby but two. Tell us about you new baby and how your two year old is taking it.
Boys: Aaron Alexander Andrew Brandon Brian Cody Dustin Eric Jacob Jeffrey Jesse John Jonathan Jordan Joseph Joshua Kevin Mark Michael Nathan Patrick Paul Richard Samuel Sean Stephen Steven Travis Tyler Zachary
Girls: Alexandra Allison Alyssa Amanda Amber Amy Andrea Ashley Brittany Brittney Caitlin Chelsea Christina Courtney Erica Hannah Heather Jasmine Jennifer Katie Kelly Kelsey Kristen Lindsey Mary Melissa Michelle Nicole Sara Stephanie Tiffany Vanessa Victoria
DH: Dominic Oliver
DW: Amy Ellen
DS: Benjamin Charles “Ben”
DH: Mark Joshua
DW: Anna Marie
DS: Ryan Nicholas
DH: Alejandro
DW: Auria
DH: James
DW: Amy
DD: Katherine Elizabeth
DH: Shawn Robert
DW: Reagan Jae
DD: Emily Elizabeth
DH: Pierre Jacques
DW: Rebecca Simone
DS: Charles Anthony “Charlie”
DH: George
DW: Caroline
DS: William Thomas
DH: William
DW: Karen
DD: Rebecca Jessica Erin
Claire H
DH: Chris
DW: Claire
DD: Lauren Emily
DH: Jesse Ryan
DW: Chelsea Laura
DD: Megan Laura “Meg”
DH: David Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole “Jen”
DS: Nicholas David “Nick”
DH: Jacob Daniel
DW: Mary Paula
DS: Benjamin Matthew “Ben”
DH: Brenden
DW: Lisa
DS: William Thomas Benjamin “Liam”
DH: William Gabriel “Will”
DW: Catherine Lydia “Kate”
DH: Greg
DW: Julia
DD: Kayla Elizabeth
DH: James
DW: Kaitlin
DH: Andrew Stephen
DW: Elizabeth Josephine
DS: Nicholas Christopher “Colin”
Lissa Kristine
DW: Lissa Kristine
DS: William James “Liam”
DH: Bryan
DW: Melanie
DD: Rachel Sarah
DH: Ryan
DW: Kristine
DS: William Jason “Will”
DH: Toby
DW: Laura
DH: Michael Steven
DW: Rachel Colleen
DD: Samantha Rachel
DH: David Julian
DW: Stella Josephine
DS: James William
DH: Tim
DW: Amanda
DD: Erin Rachel
DH: John
DW: Hannah
DD: Elizabeth Katherine “Eliza”
Skye Morgan
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DS: Ryan William
DH: Stephen
DW: Bethany
DS: Benjamin Matthew
DH: Shaun
DW: Stacey
DH: Joshua Henry
DW: Sophie
DS: Adam Timothy Daniel
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Danielle Kimberly Crystal “Dani”
DH: Sean Robert
DW: Erica Nichole “Nikki”
DS: Justin Kyle Robert
DH: Cullen Gregory
DW: Topaz Eleanor
DS: Jeremy Ryan “Jem”
DH: Morgan Oliver
DW: Juliana Marguerite
DD: Angela Emily “Emmie”
Nikki :)
Proud Mama! See My Profile!
Boys: Aaron Alexander Andrew Brandon Brian Cody Dustin Eric Jacob Jeffrey Jesse John Jonathan Jordan Joseph Joshua Kevin Mark Michael Nathan Patrick Paul Richard Samuel Sean Stephen Steven Travis Tyler Zachary
Girls: Alexandra Allison Alyssa Amanda Amber Amy Andrea Ashley Brittany Brittney Caitlin Chelsea Christina Courtney Erica Hannah Heather Jasmine Jennifer Katie Kelly Kelsey Kristen Lindsey Mary Melissa Michelle Nicole Sara Stephanie Tiffany Vanessa Victoria
DH: Dominic Oliver
DW: Amy Ellen
DS: Benjamin Charles “Ben”
DH: Mark Joshua
DW: Anna Marie
DS: Ryan Nicholas
DH: Alejandro
DW: Auria
DH: James
DW: Amy
DD: Katherine Elizabeth
DH: Shawn Robert
DW: Reagan Jae
DD: Emily Elizabeth
DH: Pierre Jacques
DW: Rebecca Simone
DS: Charles Anthony “Charlie”
DH: George
DW: Caroline
DS: William Thomas
DH: William
DW: Karen
DD: Rebecca Jessica Erin
Claire H
DH: Chris
DW: Claire
DD: Lauren Emily
DH: Jesse Ryan
DW: Chelsea Laura
DD: Megan Laura “Meg”
DH: David Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole “Jen”
DS: Nicholas David “Nick”
DH: Jacob Daniel
DW: Mary Paula
DS: Benjamin Matthew “Ben”
DH: Brenden
DW: Lisa
DS: William Thomas Benjamin “Liam”
DH: William Gabriel “Will”
DW: Catherine Lydia “Kate”
DH: Greg
DW: Julia
DD: Kayla Elizabeth
DH: James
DW: Kaitlin
DH: Andrew Stephen
DW: Elizabeth Josephine
DS: Nicholas Christopher “Colin”
Lissa Kristine
DW: Lissa Kristine
DS: William James “Liam”
DH: Bryan
DW: Melanie
DD: Rachel Sarah
DH: Ryan
DW: Kristine
DS: William Jason “Will”
DH: Toby
DW: Laura
DH: Michael Steven
DW: Rachel Colleen
DD: Samantha Rachel
DH: David Julian
DW: Stella Josephine
DS: James William
DH: Tim
DW: Amanda
DD: Erin Rachel
DH: John
DW: Hannah
DD: Elizabeth Katherine “Eliza”
Skye Morgan
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DS: Ryan William
DH: Stephen
DW: Bethany
DS: Benjamin Matthew
DH: Shaun
DW: Stacey
DH: Joshua Henry
DW: Sophie
DS: Adam Timothy Daniel
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Danielle Kimberly Crystal “Dani”
DH: Sean Robert
DW: Erica Nichole “Nikki”
DS: Justin Kyle Robert
DH: Cullen Gregory
DW: Topaz Eleanor
DS: Jeremy Ryan “Jem”
DH: Morgan Oliver
DW: Juliana Marguerite
DD: Angela Emily “Emmie”
Nikki :)
Proud Mama! See My Profile!
DH: Nick Oliver
DW: Carly Nicole
DD:Rebecca Lauren "Becca"
DS/DS: Jonathan Alexander/ Andrew Tyler "Jon/Drew"
Nick and I welcome our 2 awesome twin boys..... we call them Jon and Drew. They were born 2 min. apart. Becca is doing great with them. She loves trying to feed them and playing with them. SHe is a little jealous of the attention......but these boys hardly ever cry, so they do not get as much attention as they would.
DW: Carly Nicole
DD:Rebecca Lauren "Becca"
DS/DS: Jonathan Alexander/ Andrew Tyler "Jon/Drew"
Nick and I welcome our 2 awesome twin boys..... we call them Jon and Drew. They were born 2 min. apart. Becca is doing great with them. She loves trying to feed them and playing with them. SHe is a little jealous of the attention......but these boys hardly ever cry, so they do not get as much attention as they would.
DH: Alejandro
DW: Auria
DS: James Christopher
DD/DS: Hannah Britney/ Dustin Patrick
Little James is eager to play with his new siblings and helps out a bit with the twins. he sometimes get aggrivated because i have to devote more time to the twins and a litle less with him, but i try to involve him with whatever i'm doing so he doesnt feel left out. he's been helping me with the garden this year and we even dug a small one for him to do by himself, he seems to like gardening, at least for now. he uses his toy tractors in the dirt and pretends he's planting his own fields just like daddy.
DW: Auria
DS: James Christopher
DD/DS: Hannah Britney/ Dustin Patrick
Little James is eager to play with his new siblings and helps out a bit with the twins. he sometimes get aggrivated because i have to devote more time to the twins and a litle less with him, but i try to involve him with whatever i'm doing so he doesnt feel left out. he's been helping me with the garden this year and we even dug a small one for him to do by himself, he seems to like gardening, at least for now. he uses his toy tractors in the dirt and pretends he's planting his own fields just like daddy.
DH: Ryan
DW: Kristine
DS: William Jason "Will"
DD/DD: Amanda Mary / Sara Victoria
We've welcomed our twin girls Amanda and Sara home. Will is a bit anxious. He's excited at their arrival but doesn't know what to do with them yet. We have to keep our eyes on him to make sure he doesn't try to pick one of them up when we're not watching. He loves his little sisters but isn't aware yet just how small and fragile they are.
"I used to be Snow White, but I drifted."
Mae West
DW: Kristine
DS: William Jason "Will"
DD/DD: Amanda Mary / Sara Victoria
We've welcomed our twin girls Amanda and Sara home. Will is a bit anxious. He's excited at their arrival but doesn't know what to do with them yet. We have to keep our eyes on him to make sure he doesn't try to pick one of them up when we're not watching. He loves his little sisters but isn't aware yet just how small and fragile they are.
"I used to be Snow White, but I drifted."
Mae West
DH: Pierre Jacques
DW: Rebecca Simone
DS: Charles Anthony “Charlie”
DS/DD: Samuel Jacob "Sammy" / Alexandra Victoria "Sasha"
~~~~~~~~~~ Bex ~~~~~~~~~~~
Professor Snape: Read it.
Harry: "Messrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, offer their compliments to Professor Snape and..."
Professor Snape: Go on.
Harry: "... and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."
DH: Pierre Jacques
DW: Rebecca Simone
DS: Charles Anthony “Charlie”
DS/DD: Samuel Jacob "Sammy" / Alexandra Victoria "Sasha"
~~~~~~~~~~ Bex ~~~~~~~~~~~
Professor Snape: Read it.
Harry: "Messrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, offer their compliments to Professor Snape and..."
Professor Snape: Go on.
Harry: "... and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."
DH: David Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole “Jen”
DS: Nicholas David “Nick”
DS/DS: Jonathan Travis "John" / Samuel Jordan "Sam"
It's not one, but two healthy baby boys! David and I are delighted to announce that we are the proud parents of twin sons, Jonathan Travis and Samuel Jordan, born on October 8th. Jonathan came into the world first at 5:48 PM, weighing 6 pounds, 9 ounces; 19 3/4 inches long. He was joined by Samuel at 6:04 PM, weighing 6 pounds, 8 ounces; 19 3/4 inches long. Big brother Nicholas is now two years old and has taken quite nicely to his little brothers; he can't wait for the boys to get older so they can all play together. Both Jonathan and Samuel are doing wonderfully and are the perfect little additions to our family. Welcome to the world our little angels -- we love you very much!
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Alexandra Kathryn Cecile, Ariella Madelyn Elisabeth, Courteney Ava Rose, Elisabeth Rachel Grace, Janna Michelle Rene
Austin Bryant, Conner Luis, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Luke Preston, Roman Spencer
DH: David Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole “Jen”
DS: Nicholas David “Nick”
DS/DS: Jonathan Travis "John" / Samuel Jordan "Sam"
It's not one, but two healthy baby boys! David and I are delighted to announce that we are the proud parents of twin sons, Jonathan Travis and Samuel Jordan, born on October 8th. Jonathan came into the world first at 5:48 PM, weighing 6 pounds, 9 ounces; 19 3/4 inches long. He was joined by Samuel at 6:04 PM, weighing 6 pounds, 8 ounces; 19 3/4 inches long. Big brother Nicholas is now two years old and has taken quite nicely to his little brothers; he can't wait for the boys to get older so they can all play together. Both Jonathan and Samuel are doing wonderfully and are the perfect little additions to our family. Welcome to the world our little angels -- we love you very much!
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Alexandra Kathryn Cecile, Ariella Madelyn Elisabeth, Courteney Ava Rose, Elisabeth Rachel Grace, Janna Michelle Rene
Austin Bryant, Conner Luis, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Luke Preston, Roman Spencer
DH: Jacob Daniel
DW: Mary Paula
DS: Benjamin Matthew “Ben”
DD/DD: Sara Jasmine / Amy Hannah
·•·Eliza·•·(See PPs in profile)
William Carlos Williams -- "This Is Just to Say"
I have eaten / the plums / that were in / the icebox
and which / you were probably / saving / for breakfast
Forgive me / they were delicious / so sweet / and so cold
DW: Mary Paula
DS: Benjamin Matthew “Ben”
DD/DD: Sara Jasmine / Amy Hannah
William Carlos Williams -- "This Is Just to Say"
I have eaten / the plums / that were in / the icebox
and which / you were probably / saving / for breakfast
Forgive me / they were delicious / so sweet / and so cold
DH: Joshua Henry
DW: Sophie Louise
DS: Adam Timothy Daniel
DS/DS: Jonathan Paul Alexander and Mark Samuel Zachary
Jonathan and Mark were born this morning, two weeks early. We are thrilled to pieces with our new additions, and Adam hasn't kicked up a fuss yet - fingers crossed things will stay this way!
S xx
There was a time when you let me know what was really going on below, but now you never show that to me do you? - Leonard Cohen
DW: Sophie Louise
DS: Adam Timothy Daniel
DS/DS: Jonathan Paul Alexander and Mark Samuel Zachary
Jonathan and Mark were born this morning, two weeks early. We are thrilled to pieces with our new additions, and Adam hasn't kicked up a fuss yet - fingers crossed things will stay this way!
S xx
There was a time when you let me know what was really going on below, but now you never show that to me do you? - Leonard Cohen
This message was edited 8/4/2005, 2:31 PM
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Danielle Kimberly Crystal “Dani”
DS/DS: Alexander Nathan Sean / Zachary Brian Travis "Xander, Zach"
We welcome Alexander Nathan Sean and Zachary Brian Travis home after 1 month in the NICU for being born 9 weeks early, we were so scared. Both boys weer 1 lb. 3 oz. and were diognosed with Apneam, which was caused by an immaturity of that part of their brains, this ended up leading to Bradycardia, which is a slowing of their heart rate, so they were put on a moniter and were given caffine, which we now have at our home since they have gotten much better. Our twin boys are in all means different except for their looks. They have the most beautiful hazel eyes as their daddy does and a small patch of blonde hair. Xander, being the first born, is more entergetic and loud, whilist Zach is more serene and his cry is much more gentel than his brother.
Dani, now 2, has long strawberry blonde hair that she loves to have in pig tails and braids. Her big crystal blue eyes are gorgeous and can easily get what she wants with them. When I was pregnant with the twins she would always want to lay her head on my swallon belly and listen to "her babies" and now that they are home she is playing mom. She loves to carry the diper bag and bring them bottles and teddy bears and even a once a sucker when Xander wouldn't stop crying cause she said that suckers always make her feel better. It is adorable the way she acts and the way she tells us what to do.
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Danielle Kimberly Crystal “Dani”
DS/DS: Alexander Nathan Sean / Zachary Brian Travis "Xander, Zach"
We welcome Alexander Nathan Sean and Zachary Brian Travis home after 1 month in the NICU for being born 9 weeks early, we were so scared. Both boys weer 1 lb. 3 oz. and were diognosed with Apneam, which was caused by an immaturity of that part of their brains, this ended up leading to Bradycardia, which is a slowing of their heart rate, so they were put on a moniter and were given caffine, which we now have at our home since they have gotten much better. Our twin boys are in all means different except for their looks. They have the most beautiful hazel eyes as their daddy does and a small patch of blonde hair. Xander, being the first born, is more entergetic and loud, whilist Zach is more serene and his cry is much more gentel than his brother.
Dani, now 2, has long strawberry blonde hair that she loves to have in pig tails and braids. Her big crystal blue eyes are gorgeous and can easily get what she wants with them. When I was pregnant with the twins she would always want to lay her head on my swallon belly and listen to "her babies" and now that they are home she is playing mom. She loves to carry the diper bag and bring them bottles and teddy bears and even a once a sucker when Xander wouldn't stop crying cause she said that suckers always make her feel better. It is adorable the way she acts and the way she tells us what to do.
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
This message was edited 8/4/2005, 2:44 PM
DH: Shawn Robert
DW: Reagan Jae
DD: Emily Elizabeth
DS/DD: Nathan Michael / Hannah Christina
Shawn and I are absolutely thrilled to introduce our two new bundles of joy! Nathan Michael and Hannah Christina were born October 7, 1989, at 1:13 p.m. and 1:20 p.m., respectively. Emily, at first, was not so excited about having to share Mommy and Daddy, but she has since warmed up tremendously to the idea of being a big sister and loves Nathan and Hannah very much.
DW: Reagan Jae
DD: Emily Elizabeth
DS/DD: Nathan Michael / Hannah Christina
Shawn and I are absolutely thrilled to introduce our two new bundles of joy! Nathan Michael and Hannah Christina were born October 7, 1989, at 1:13 p.m. and 1:20 p.m., respectively. Emily, at first, was not so excited about having to share Mommy and Daddy, but she has since warmed up tremendously to the idea of being a big sister and loves Nathan and Hannah very much.
DH: Dominic Oliver
DW: Amy Ellen
DS: Benjamin Charles “Ben”
DD/DD: Mary Andrea / Alexandra Victoria "Allie"
Dominic and I are thrilled to announce the birth of out twin girls Mary Andrea and Alexandra Victoria, who we plan on calling Allie. We're all doing very well. Ben was a little disappointed at first because he had hoped for boys, but now he likes to help take care of the girls and is a very proud to be a big brother.
Btw, I'm going to be out of town for the next four days, so don't expect me to post my rounds. I'll just catch up later. :-)

"Somebody has to save our skins!" -Princess Leia Organa, Star Wars:
DW: Amy Ellen
DS: Benjamin Charles “Ben”
DD/DD: Mary Andrea / Alexandra Victoria "Allie"
Dominic and I are thrilled to announce the birth of out twin girls Mary Andrea and Alexandra Victoria, who we plan on calling Allie. We're all doing very well. Ben was a little disappointed at first because he had hoped for boys, but now he likes to help take care of the girls and is a very proud to be a big brother.
Btw, I'm going to be out of town for the next four days, so don't expect me to post my rounds. I'll just catch up later. :-)

"Somebody has to save our skins!" -Princess Leia Organa, Star Wars:
DH: Greg
DW: Julia
DD: Kayla Elizabeth
DD/DD: Brittney Michelle / Lindsey Nicole
Greg and I are so excited to be bringing home our twin daughters, Brittney and Lindsey. For now Kayla is ok with the twins but I sense a few extra tantrums in the very near future :).
* Proud adopter of 15 exclamation marks and 5 tilde marks, greater than signs, commercial at signs, and asterisks! *
"Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it's marching right across your face!" ~ Truvy in Steel Magnolias
DW: Julia
DD: Kayla Elizabeth
DD/DD: Brittney Michelle / Lindsey Nicole
Greg and I are so excited to be bringing home our twin daughters, Brittney and Lindsey. For now Kayla is ok with the twins but I sense a few extra tantrums in the very near future :).
* Proud adopter of 15 exclamation marks and 5 tilde marks, greater than signs, commercial at signs, and asterisks! *
"Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it's marching right across your face!" ~ Truvy in Steel Magnolias
DH: George
DW: Caroline
DS: William Thomas
DD/DS: Alexandra Mary "Alex" and John Samuel "Jack"
Alex and Jack were born a month early, but did well and could leave the hospital after a week. They are precious babies, but look nothing alike. Alexandra has a little blonde fuzz on her head, and her eyes are a bright, beautiful blue. Jack barely has any hair on his little head either, but what he does have is very dark brown, and he dark eyelashes as well. His eyes are grayish blue but we figure they will turn brown like his fathers. William is doing very well with the babies. He loves to help me take care of them, he calls them Ally and Jack-Jack.
DH: George
DW: Caroline
DS: William Thomas
DD/DS: Alexandra Mary "Alex" and John Samuel "Jack"
Alex and Jack were born a month early, but did well and could leave the hospital after a week. They are precious babies, but look nothing alike. Alexandra has a little blonde fuzz on her head, and her eyes are a bright, beautiful blue. Jack barely has any hair on his little head either, but what he does have is very dark brown, and he dark eyelashes as well. His eyes are grayish blue but we figure they will turn brown like his fathers. William is doing very well with the babies. He loves to help me take care of them, he calls them Ally and Jack-Jack.
Lissa Kristine
DW: Lissa Kristine
DS: William James “Liam”
DS/DS: Dustin Cody "Dusty" / Stephen John "Stephie"
Liam is very excitied to have two new brothers, but he seems to be jealous of them gettin all of the attention. He wants to play with Dusty and Stephie, but he doesn't seem to understand that the twins can't do everything he can.
Liam has strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He is very talkitive, although he doesn't always speak english, or any other language. He is a bundle of energy, and loves playing.

(PPs in sig)
DW: Lissa Kristine
DS: William James “Liam”
DS/DS: Dustin Cody "Dusty" / Stephen John "Stephie"
Liam is very excitied to have two new brothers, but he seems to be jealous of them gettin all of the attention. He wants to play with Dusty and Stephie, but he doesn't seem to understand that the twins can't do everything he can.
Liam has strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He is very talkitive, although he doesn't always speak english, or any other language. He is a bundle of energy, and loves playing.

(PPs in sig)