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[Surname] origin
Can anyone tell me the origin of the above maentioned i have traced it as a surname back to Hydra Saronic islands greece but am confusd is the name still used in that area there appears to be no letter B in alphabet can anyone help
many thanks Bernard
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origin  ·  svombo  ·  3/19/2007, 4:21 AM
Re: origin of Svombo - from Tricia  ·  Svombo  ·  3/31/2007, 8:42 PM
Re: origin of Svombo - from Tricia  ·  Jim Young  ·  4/2/2007, 7:51 AM
Re: origin of Svombo - from Tricia  ·  Jim Young  ·  4/3/2007, 7:13 AM
Re: origin  ·  Jim Young  ·  3/23/2007, 7:08 AM