[Opinions] Sabina
I'd say Sah-BEE-nah. I don't care for it, though. It makes me think of beans. :b
It was my great, great grandmothers name and that is how you pn it.
I like it. It was popular in Victorian England, I believe. Nn Bebe/Bibi would be cute.
I like it. It was popular in Victorian England, I believe. Nn Bebe/Bibi would be cute.
dito -


Yes, and...
That's what it says in the database too.
That's what it says in the database too.
I pronounce it the same way but I don't like it because it sounds the same as Sabena which is the name of Belgium's former airline (it went bankrupt).
It's ok, but I much prefer Sabrina.
It's lovely and I like it. I pronounce it SAH-bee-nah.
The Revolution has begun! 4/3/04
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Pillar rocks!
Phoebe: I need your help.
Cole: You've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damn.
The Revolution has begun! 4/3/04
My site: http://geocities.com/torilimcadle/revolution
Pillar rocks!
Phoebe: I need your help.
Cole: You've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damn.
its a lovely name I pronounce it as Sah bee nah
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
I love it. It's beautiful, classy, and elegant. I pronounce it sa-BEE-nah, too.