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[Facts] looking for a name
i need to find a name which encompasses 2 drastically different things. like "circle and lines", "loud and soft", "sharp and round"... stuff like that... like "oxymoronic words"... anyone? thanks a million!
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Mrs Loud sang with Meatloaf on Bat II. I always thought it'd be fun if her given name was Tacey.
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Blake: Means either "black" or "pale" in Old English. Check the hyperlink. That's all I can think of.Miranda
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Pizza Cutter (round and sharp)
The Tube(London, Circle Line)
Courtney Love with the flew (loud and soft)Oxy moronic? as in Oxidised morons??(no offense, just really bored after a hard day...)
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On that note, how about Anna Nicole?lol
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