[Facts] Meaning of first name Sollitt for a Male
Trying to trace the meaning of the Christian name Sollitt... very odd name I think. My brother thinks that it may be Scandinavian or that area. His father was in the Navy... he was born of English parents but further than that my brother just cannot go back... His Surname was Ledger.. I am trying to find it for my foster brother who is 70... it was his fathers name and for years has tried to find out the meaning or where it comes from. He has no idea about the internet... so I am trying my hardest to find out about it as a surprise.... would'nt that be a treat for him.
Thank you
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I can't find "Sollitt" anywhere on short notice, but Reaney & Wilson's _A Dictionary of English Surnames_ lists Sallitt and says it was originally a nickname from the Old English "saelida", which meant "seafarer; pirate". That meaning fits a bit with his father having been in the Navy, but the father would have had to have been learned in Old English to figure that out. So it's hard to say if that is just a coincidence or not.