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[Facts] Time for another exciting round of...
...what do you see?! We haven't played this in a while. Describe what you see (letters, squares, question marks, gibberish) on the two lines below, after the ":".Line 1: Ł
Line 2: &Lslash;Thanks!
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Thanks for your help everyone! Sorry, no prizes except my appreciation.The Ł character belongs in some Polish names.
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Line 1: £ - the pounds symble from Great Britian's currencyLine 2: &Lslash; -gibberish, maybe a horrible slashing/kr8tyve spelling of a name going onThat was fun!
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i see what everyone else sees, but these remind me of word games we used to get during indoor recess in elementary school.
ex: MCE MCE MCE = three blind mice be cause they have no "i" the fun begins-Line 1: £ a crossed-out "L" = no L = Noel. Christmas in April!Line 2: &Lslash; somebody has been messing with a mascara advertisement! & = and, which said in a valley girl accent can sound like end. Ls = less, & + Ls = endless. then comes "lash". So far we have endless lash--a very popular type of mascara. lastly, in the tinkering process that went into creating this ad, the exclamation mark ! got turned upside-down and became a semi-colon ;Do you see it! if not, don't feel bad--i have a warped way of looking at the world ;)-Sondra the "interesting" one
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Cleverly entertaining. :)
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Noel? Endless Lashes? this is brilliant! :P
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as i curtsey in a humble manner, "thank you daahling!"
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Exactly the same as Anneza 'n' Nan, although I also see a semi colon after the word slash on line 2.
Do I win a trip to Atlantic City and a one year subscription to Easy Rider magazine?
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Me too!
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Me too
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Line 1: upper-case L with a slash through the vertical line, running from lower left to upper rightLine 2: ampersand (no space) upper-case L (no space) (the word)slash
Does it depend on our browser?
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I spy with my little eye...Line 1 = A capital L with a diagonal line slashing through it.Line 2 = an ampersand, a capital L, and the word "slash".Wot do I win? Huh? Huh?? :)-- Nanaea
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Me too!n
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Me too!
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