I have found conflicting information on the following names from different sources, hopefully you will be able to help me clarify.
1. The male name Guthrie.
I have a found it to be a
German name meaning War Serpent. A second meaning I found was War hero.
I also have found this name to be of Celtic/Gaelic origin meaning Windy spot.
*2. The male name Bowen
I have found this name to mean son of
Owen and yellow haired.
Both of these sound suspicious to me for the name
Boyd means Yellow haired. Also son of
Owen seams far fetched.
*3. The male name Bowie
I have seen the name Bowie, to be either a variant of Bowen and as a separate name meaning Yellow haired.
*I have seen these names listed as either English or Celtic/Gaelic origin.
4. The name Harlowe (English)
I have found the meaning, from the hare's hill and
Harland meadow.
Any information you have will be great. I know it is possible for a name to have several meanings and origins but sometimes name sites are just not accurate and will vary because of that.
Take Care and Thanks in advance