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[Facts] looking for help to buy software
Hi Mike, I work for a charity in Glasgow, Scotland, we are working on a project to teach young people the meaning of their names, who their ancestors were, what they were known for ect. I am applying for funding to pay for the neccesary software, can you help?
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Why don't you use (or any of the other) online data base for teaching purposes?? I'm sure an arrangement could be met with Mike C. so that you can do this...
You can't be told "NO" if you don't ask :o)~Magia~
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Well, there's the baby name software listed on my FAQ page, and you'll find several genealogy software packages if you do a net search. Otherwise, if you want to use your funding to pay me to develop Behindthename into a desktop application, that'd be fine with me. ;)
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Ohh, Mike C. that would be cool!
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Mike C., a hero. ;)
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