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[Facts] Re: Iraq - off topic
Amen! Also, our thought should be on the brave men and women risking their lives in the support of freedom.I came across this "Adopt a Platoon" website, where you can be a pen-pal, send money, or send care packages to the soldiers.Check It Out! humble opinion. God Bless!
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Also their families and friends.I know a few of the soldiers and sailors over there (from a different website), and they and their families need our support more than anything now. I don't agree with Dubbya, but the military personnel (sp?) don't have a say in what they do or where they go (unless they resign from the military.)I also feel horrible about those who have lost their lives doing what our countries' leaders have told them they had to do (especially since there's going to be a number of questions raised about the international legality of this war no matter what happens.)Here's my $.02. *ka-ching*
Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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I admit that I am a pacifist......and personally, my thoughts are going more to the people of Iraq who (unlike the soldiers) did not have the option to choose whether or not to go to war.
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