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[Surname] moesha
In a vieuw weeks my little granddaughter will become two years old. For her and her twinbrother i'm making a photobook. It would be nice when someone would know the meaning of her name. It's an character in an american tv-movie also called "mo". Acteres are african-american.The real name of Moesha, i don't know but i know for sure that she is also a singer.
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Guten Tag,

vor 2 Tagen wurde meine kleine Nichte geboren. Auch sie trägt den Namen Moesha. Für uns wäre es auch sehr interessant zu erfahren, wo der Name herkommt. Über eine Antwort würden wir uns sehr freuen.
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I've found "Moesha" on the following site:

It says that Moesha means "solitary life" and lists the origin as African-American.
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