DW: If you have...
no siblings: Egyptian Mythology names
less than three siblings: Italian FN,
German MN
exactly three siblings: Names with water meanings
more than three siblings: Irish names
DH: If you drive...
a car/truck: Japanese names
A jeep/SUV: Names from Sweden's top 100 from 1998
A van/motorcycle: FN with fire meaning, Shakespearian MN
nothing: Arabic names
DS/DS: If your favourite colour from below is...
pinks/reds/purples: initials CT/TC
blues/greens: FN with one syllable, MN a feline meaning
yellows/oranges: Rhyming FNs, MNs variations of each other
black/white/grey: Portuguese names / historical FN, elfin meaning MN
DD: If your ideal vacation spot is...
Tropical: Hungarian names
Flower FN, Virtue MN
African: Mythology names
Theme Park: Four syllable FN, one syllable MN
DD: If you are...
omnivorous: 1920-1929 top 100 names
vegetarian: Initials LGN
vegan: Maori FN, Astronomy MN
DD: If you live in...
a house: variations of DW's name (can be made up)
an apartment: variations of DH's name (can be made up)
a mobile home: Traditional English FN, Jewish MN
a group home/dormatory: your favourite name for FN, you least favourite name for MN
DS: If you prefer...
drama: initials EJ
comedy: Indian FN, literary MN
action/adventure: colour names
horror: alliterative names
DD/DS: If you blame...
men: sun meanings/moon meanings
women: moon meanings/sun meanings
a Higher Power: Biblical names
George W. Bush: all boy's names kre8vlee spelled from 2005's USA top 30