[Facts] Also Tristina, in the mode of Christina. nt

"Six hours later I still haven't done my homework, but I did come up with 245 name combos, seven of which I might name my child." — Modified LJ icon quoteProud adopter of 15 punctuation marks.
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Fem forms of Tristan??  ·  Justine  ·  4/22/2005, 11:41 PM
In French the feminine form of Tristan is Tristane (nt)  ·  Andria  ·  4/23/2005, 9:11 AM
What about Trista?  ·  Ylva  ·  4/23/2005, 7:11 AM
I agree . . .  ·  Chrisell  ·  4/23/2005, 7:14 AM
Also Tristina, in the mode of Christina. nt  ·  Miranda  ·  4/23/2005, 3:00 PM
Or, for that matter, Tristine! nt  ·  Chrisell  ·  4/23/2005, 11:01 PM
Re: Fem forms of Tristan??  ·  Lumia  ·  4/23/2005, 4:25 AM