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[Facts] Girl's middle name trouble
We're due with our first child in a month, and are having trouble with finding a girls' middle name. We've picked Claire as the first name..Any suggestions? Last name MacKenzie.
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Erm..Claire Jayne
Claire Louise
Too difficult!
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I really love the name Mandy and i think it goes cute with Claire!
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You should check out the Baby Names Message Board.
By the way, Clair Lenore MacKenzie is my suggestion.
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I love the name Claire! Try:Claire EliseorClair Elise.(I have a friend name Clair Elise, and I absolutely adore her name! Congratulations, by the way!)-Ellie
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Claire Alexia
Claire Alyssa
Claire Anya
Claire Madeline
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Claire Lisa :)
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Claire is one of my favorites!!!Claire Rose
Claire Marie
claire Elisabella
Claire Gabriella
Claire AnnelieseGood luck!!
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