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[Facts] Hey Pavlos or Davidh!!!!
What ever has happened to Nanaea? I check in every now and again and I never see her on the message board anymore. I seem to remember her saying she wouldn't be visiting for a while but I may just be having false rememberances! I thought at least one of you two would know, being as how ya'll seem to know everything :) Come to think of it, there are several of the "old regualrs" that have taken a permanent vaction from us. Although at the moment I'm not sure I could remember exactly who...
Anyway, if you ever talk to the Goddess of Darkness, let her know I asked about her.
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Nanaea is certainly missed! We e-mail once in a while, and I occasionally visit her new Dark hangout where she not only having lotsa fun, but had already climbed the ranks and has become head-honcho :) Nanaea is a monogamous being in the broadest sense of the word (including her lairs she frequents)so I doubt she will be spending much time in Her old BtN neighborhood, at least as long as she is happily involved with her new hangout :P
Its great however that good ol' regulars such as yourself, Bro' Da, Phyllis, Lilith etc, still make cameo appearances 'round here :) And its wonderful that bright and witty new regulars such as Anneza, Stanislassia, Satu et al. are contributing saving this board from becoming a Baby-Nuke wasteland!
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Hey 'Cole...I asked Brer Pav the same thing a while back. He says she's taking a sabbatical from here (probably tired of baby name questions, or has to re-sharpen her talons) and is moderating a board on a UK Satanic site. I looked for it briefly, and couldn't spot it...and Pav was too discreet to say where.Summer gets a lot of folks involved in other things, so it's not surprising to see a few absences. Pavlos may be able to tell us more about Nan and when/if we're likely to see her back, even briefly.Hope you're doing well,Dave
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Bro'Da I may be discreet, but our big brother Google sure aint :) Pluggin' in UK 'n' the S-word should get you warm. And one more hint: Nan is using a name very dear to me as a handle :)
Happy stalking!
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I think I found it...If the person I found is really Nanaea, then she is using your daughter's name as a handle, right?Hey Davidh, I was thinking (very dangerous sometimes!), wouldn't it be funny if someone went to her new hangout and asked help on a Satanic spell to turn Minpin puppies into a Fuzzy ski sweater! I of course don't have the guts, but it's still funny to think about how she'd respond!Thanks guys, for the info and updates!
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LOL! A nice touch, 'Cole!Have to admit I gave some thought to doing something similar or worse. Nan seems entirely too mellow and content on that board.Unfortunately, the site in question is a registration-only board, and you have to be vetted by the webmaster to get on (kill your neighbor's black goat with your teeth and send in the body, or something...).Some silly concern about hatemongers and shrill religious fanatic types muddying the message threads. Can't say I blame the Demonics, after all.- Da.
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Found it! Weird tho, that she comes across exactly the same as here. Wonder if the Demoniacs know about the Minpin puppies and the fuzzy ski sweater? But I must admit...they're a frighteningly LITERATE lot!
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I kind of figured...I was happy when Mike C. started that baby board. I think it helped out a good bit with the "what do you think of..." questions.At any rate, thanks Dave for the info. I hope Nan pops in soon. Her presence is missed. At least I still have you and Pavlos to keep me laughing!And Barb- I couldn't open Nanaea's message either. Assuming the one I can't open is from the real Nan. I'm sure the other one isn't.
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Just curious...couldn't open Nanaea's responseWas it too Satanic to post, was it a fake Nanaea who replied... or is it just my computer? (I miss her too)
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