[Facts] Oh dear...
Reminds me of those webrings devoted to listing the ways to murder cats...O.o;; (My friend's dad used to have a neighbor who would trap the neighborhood cats in sacks, bury then up to their necks in his lawn, and then run the lawnmower over them...and I'm sure you all needed to know.)
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Puppies Arrived  ·  Anna  ·  9/4/2002, 5:13 AM
Re: Puppies Arrived  ·  Daividh  ·  9/4/2002, 8:06 PM
The Animal Oracle on Cute Animals  ·  Pavlos  ·  9/4/2002, 11:53 PM
Oh dear...  ·  Lilith  ·  9/6/2002, 8:46 PM
Re: Oh dear... OH DEAR!  ·  'Cole  ·  9/6/2002, 9:40 PM
Re: Puppies Arrived  ·  Lissa  ·  9/4/2002, 10:10 AM