Which is your favorite hair-color?
-Brown: fn begins with the letters BR / mn your choice.
Red: fn has same number of letters as yours / mn begins with R.
-Black: fn begins with B / mn means "pale" or "white."
-Blonde: fn has same or similar meaning as yours, if you can't find one fn begins with N / mn means "tree"
What is the temperature where you are?
-40 or below: fn is winter related / mn ends in Y.
-60 or below: fn is a variant of yours, or has similar meaning (or even just begins with the same letter) / mn means joy
-80 or below: fn has flower meaning / mn has six letters
-90 or above: fn begins in H / mn's last syllable begins with T
Which do you prefer?
-Watermelons: DD, name your favorite girl combo
-Grapes: DS, name your favorite boy combo
-Oranges: DD, fn begins with least favorite letter / mn what you'd give your own daughter.
-Bananas: DS, fn something you wouldn't actually use / mn something you consider unusual.
Which hair-style do you prefer on a boy?
-Spikey, messy: fns begin with same letter / mns end in same letter
-Average, neat: fns have similar meanings / mns are your choice
Favorite season?
Spring: hippy-like names.
Summer: classical names.
-Fall: trendy names.
Winter: mythology names.
Prefered career choice from these?
-Novelist: DS fn after favorite male writer and mn favorite male book character / DD fn after favorite female writer and mn favorite female book character.
-Actor/actress: DS fn after favorite actor and mn ending in R / DD fn after favorite actress and mn ending in S.
Your name begins with...
Names your choice.
"If you can't laugh at yourself, life is going to seem a whole lot long than you'd like." - Garden StateLoving mom to 18 PPs -- see profile for names.