[Facts] looking for character names
I'm writing a sci-fi novel and am in desparate need of character names. The basis is a group of people that were cast out of society b/c of genetic mutations. They went as colonists to a new planet, however it is already populated by other colonists from another planet. Need names for humans and aliens. The more unusual the better.
Male: Syrus/Varbin/
Female: Arla/Jervella
Really all you need to do is take other names then just "roll them around on your tounge" i usually take two names and then thrown them together trust me it works!
Female: Arla/Jervella
Really all you need to do is take other names then just "roll them around on your tounge" i usually take two names and then thrown them together trust me it works!
Alias is a cute name that I like, but you could use it for one of your humans. Possibly a girl called Ailie. I think Jathynt would make a good name for one of you aliens. I just have to say that I LOVE your name Mimi!! Is it your real name or a nickname??
you have the same problem i do i am trying to write a book i hope to be around 250 to 300 pages long but cant get good names so far for females i have indigo ksegnia and aethel but i need alot of male characters names
Alas, I fear it is only a nickname. My full first name is Maria Elena (the M and E bred Mimi).
Yksihormijärjestelmä Sähkösuodatin
Hihnanasuojus Ripustuslaite
Ylin Käyttöpainehäviö
Ohjaus Paloapidättävä
Pysyvyyskäyrästö Pölynkeräyskyky
Jälkikaiuntavyöhyke Jäädytyslaitteisto
Hihnanasuojus Ripustuslaite
Ylin Käyttöpainehäviö
Ohjaus Paloapidättävä
Pysyvyyskäyrästö Pölynkeräyskyky
Jälkikaiuntavyöhyke Jäädytyslaitteisto
You forgot
Korroosionestolisälaitteistus Kylmäkäynnistys!
Korroosionestolisälaitteistus Kylmäkäynnistys!
Aha, I have a chance to share a couple of my favorite names! lol! I came across these two female names a couple years ago and have loved them ever since. They might work well for a sci-fi story!
Ileaha (ih-LEE-ha)
Adomi (AH-dow-mee)
Good luck with your story!
Ileaha (ih-LEE-ha)
Adomi (AH-dow-mee)
Good luck with your story!
Send us a copy of your book when published