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[Facts] Grandmother
I am becoming a first time grandmother and would like to be called something other than the usual "Grandmom/MomMom" names. Any suggestions?
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My son calls my mother either Oma (German) or U-li-si (Cherokee) but my favorite has always been Granny.
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I call my grandma "Nannie" or "Nonna" (naw-na)(which is Italian for Grandma)
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Irish: Mammo; DaddoSpanish: Abuela, Abuelo
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Hi Sue,
may be you would like to take "grandmother" from another language??
Some examples:Arabic: djadda
Danish: bedstemor
Finnish: mummo / isoäiti
French: mémé / mémère / bonne maman / mamie
German: Oma / Omi / Großmutter / Großmama
Icelandic: amma
Italian: nanna
Norwegian: bestemor
Russian: babushka / babka
Swedish: mormorHmmm, that's all I know...
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Good point, Satu. So what's your family's ethnic background, Sue?
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My neice and my son both call ,my mother Nana, but my cousin's child calls his grandmother "Da-mama", because when he was learning to talk, he called his mother mama, and his father da-da.Keep in mind though, children don't always call us what we wished. Often times it's what they name us!**congrats on the grandbaby!!**
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