[Facts] Amy, short for...?
My husband and I really like the name Amy, but would like a longer name and use Amy as the nickname. We haven't come up with very many names that we can shorten, however. Any suggestions?
As you can see my name is Amy. I like that it is short! Some people call me "Aim", however my thoughts have always been that you name your child the name you "love" and call them that! They will appreicate that when they enter school where it can become very confusing!
How about Amelie or Amaia or Americus?
I like the name Amelie or Amelia. We've considered Amanda, also. When I suggested America, my husband gave me his lowered-eyebrows look, indicating that it isn't a possibility. :)
You can also pick the name Amanda and Amy could be the nickname
Amira and Amaya are nice names. :) If you want to find others, go to http://www.behindthename.com/nmg/feminine.html and scroll down the names that begin with Am (it's in alphabetical order). Good luck!
Thanks so much for the suggestions. There are more possibilities than I thought!
You're welcome. :) More than I'd thought, too. ^^;;