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[Facts] Suggestions for double-names made from single names?
I think double-names made from single names are quite exotic. Such as Abigail becoming Abbey Gayle (with or without a hyphen).Can anyone come up with more names in this style, where one existing name can be reshaped into two?Thanks for any input!
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does anyone know where i can get a list of double names such as "Mary Elizabeth" ....i would like to look at a list
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Michael could give you Mike plus Kelly!
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There are hundrets of possibilities!Hej Tue,her kommer nogle:Adalbert m -> Adal + Bert
Adalbrecht m -> Adal + Brecht
Adelbert m -> Adel + Bert
Adalbrand m -> Adal + Brand
Adelbrand m -> Adel + Brand
Adalfried m -> Adal + Fried
Alexander m -> Alex + Xander
Alexandra f -> Alex + Xandra
Amalbert m -> Amal + Bert
Amalfried m -> Amal + Fried
Anastasia f -> Ana + Stasia
Anemone f -> Ane + Mone
Angelina f -> Angel + Lina
Annette f -> Ann + Nette
Annina f -> Ann + Nina
Annine f -> Ann + Nine
Arbogast m -> Arbo + Gast
Arnbjørn m -> Arn + Bjørn
Arnfinn m -> Arn + Finn
Arnfred m -> Arn + Fred
Arnfried m -> Arn + Fried
Arnleif m -> Arn + Leif
Arnthor m -> Arn + Thor
Bendix m -> Ben + Dix
Benjamin m > Ben + Jamin
Benjamina f -> Benja + Mina
Benjamine f -> Benja + Mine
Bernfried m -> Bern + Fried
Bertfried m -> Bert + Fried

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How 'bout:
Marie Anna (from Mariana)
Mary Elle (from Marielle)
Eva Lynn (from Evelyn)
Kate Lynn (from Caitlin)
Anna Stacia (from Anastasia)
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