[Facts] Re: Pestering Daividh
by Daividh (guest)
1/31/2001, 7:08 PM
You mean those annoying calls at work WEREN'T you guys? Oh, crap...how do I explain this to the Marketing VP? (Like every other smokestack in the US right now, we need all the customers we can get...say, Nan: is your library looking to replace its CURRENT 3-ton forklift trucks?)
Am I being a cranky old fart? Yeah. Sorry, but seeing you two immerse yourselves in anagrammed Iroquoian twin names cranked out by some software package is like pulling thru McDonald's and finding Stephen Hawking at the window saying "You want to super-size that?" Oy! Such a waste of brilliant originality!
I fear that Mr. Love is perilously close to scraping the bottom of the AnagrAmphora. Witness: Earleen (unless you're a cute blonde Mandrell, ferget it), Flexi (dryer hose?), Trannie ("gearbox" in yesteryear Midwest teen slang), and AFONI! (Admittedly, this last would be a great name for an industrial sales rep. "Happy to meet ya, Dave! I'm Afoni!" You soytainly are...)