[Facts] Re: Off topic: Pledge of Allegiance
You crack me up, Pavlos. I saw this on the news yesterday. I think it's completely rediculous. Did you see how a who bunch of congress-people went out on the front stairs of the Capitol and recited it? It was pretty funny.SJ
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Off topic: Pledge of Allegiance  ·  Pavlos  ·  6/27/2002, 6:24 AM
Re: Off topic: Pledge of Allegiance  ·  Michelle  ·  6/28/2002, 1:01 PM
*shrug*  ·  Lilith  ·  6/29/2002, 3:44 PM
Re: *shrug*  ·  Pavlos  ·  7/1/2002, 4:09 AM
Re: *shrug*  ·  Lilith  ·  7/1/2002, 6:39 PM
LOL  ·  Shay  ·  6/30/2002, 1:01 PM
D'oh!  ·  Lilith  ·  6/30/2002, 2:32 PM
Interesting tidbit of trivia...  ·  Phyllis  ·  6/30/2002, 2:49 PM
yup  ·  Lilith  ·  6/30/2002, 5:00 PM
Re: Off topic: Pledge of Allegiance  ·  Sarahjeanne  ·  6/27/2002, 3:01 PM
Re: Off topic: Pledge of Allegiance  ·  Barb  ·  6/28/2002, 11:48 AM
:))) n/t  ·  Pavlos  ·  7/1/2002, 4:11 AM