[Facts] What is the pronunciation of Michele?
I know Michele is Italian, but is it Mi-shel-lee or Mi-shel-lay? And the stressed syllable is the middle one, right?
It's pr. mi-KEH-leh. Ch is always "k" in Italian. C is pr. like "ch" in "church" and "cc" is pr. "tch" as in "hatchet" if it's followed by e, i or y, otherwise it's pr. like k.
I think it's probably this;
(Michele is masc. in Italian en fem. in French)
French: (f)Michele / Michelle: mee-SHEL
Italian: (f)Michela / Micaela
(m)Michele: mee-KEL
(Michele is masc. in Italian en fem. in French)
French: (f)Michele / Michelle: mee-SHEL
Italian: (f)Michela / Micaela
(m)Michele: mee-KEL
it's mee-KAY-lay... In italian "CH" is always pronounced as a K
mee-KELL-ay, with a hard "k" sound. I think :-/ I'm sure of the sounds but just not the stress.
"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true."
"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true."
I'd say mee-CHAY-lay, but that's merely an (somewhat) educated guess.