These are babies born on January -and one on Fabruary- in my town: it's a little town -5.000 inhabitants- in the North-East of Catalonia, with mostly Catalan speaker population, far enough from the capital (luckily!), Barcelona, where people speak way too much in Spanish. We're pretty safely here, and most of the names are Catalan, Catalan sounding, or they sound the same in Catalan and in Spanish. So:
Biel (m)-pron. bee-EL, nn for
Gabriel -in the wrong form Grabiel, ugh, people really says it, and that's why I'll NEVER use this name, even if I love it-, mostly used as a full name now. I love it.
Aniol (m) -pron- uh-nee-AWL, it's ok
Berta (f) -pron. BEr-tuh, I don't really like it, but it's ok...the only problem goes really bad with the poor baby's last names, both begin in B and it's really hard to pronunce...
Berta is quite popular on babies.
Fiona (f)-love this!! Didn't know any, I wouldn't use it -it's not Catalan, obviously- but I love it anyway, and "sounds" really Catalan.
Ingrid x2 (f)-pron. EEN-grit, can't stand this name! It's pretty trashy here, and it was fairly popular a few years ago...a bit dated, I thought.
Mohamed (m)-there are a's ok, but nmsaa.
Júlia (
Julia) -lovely, but it's been SO popular lately...I know more than 10 Júlia-s, that's for sure.
Alèxia (
Alexia) -don't like this at all
Josep -pron. JOO-zehp, it really unusual for babies, but so overused for adults! There are tons of Josep-s and Josefina-s, just
Josep or as double name, all kind of nn...BORING!
Cristian (m)-doesn't like this at all, the spelling is just an adaptation of
Christian, but it isn't right and the pronunciation they're looking for doesn't fit with the spelling...
Eloi -pron. uh-LOY, or something similar. There are always some Eloi-s, but it isn't overused or too popular. I know some Eloi-s that are really good looking...maybe that has something to do about the fact that I really like the name? :-P
That's all, and it's a good bunch of babies born in the past month, with pretty good names! :-D
This message was edited 2/21/2005, 12:30 PM