[Facts] couldn´t find the name ASHKA
I searched lots of pages, and couldn´t find the meaning of Ashka, it´s the name of a female friend, I´m looking for it since I heard it.I won´t rest if I don´t find the meaning, so if you could give me any information about it I would be very pleased.Thanks, Joana
in india ASHK means tears in hindi language, and AASHIK means lover or fiance..did this help or confuse u !!
using the address bar of the net and intering ashka. i came up with spellbinder.com and a reference to persian music.
Hi. The reason you had trouble finding the meaning of the name is because it is in a language that is no longer in common usage. It is an ancient language called 'Sanscrit' which was used in ancient India. The word Ashka is Sanscrit for 'hope'. The Hindi word for 'hope' is 'Asha' which is quite similar :) The name 'Asha' is in fact quite common, and made famous by the singer Asha Bhosle on which the song 'Brimful of Asha' is based. Anyway, hope this was of some help.