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[Facts] Re: someone pleaz tell me the meaning of the last names....
in reply to a message by Deena
Olson (Norwegian; Swedish) "The son of Ole or Olaf (ancestor)."Dallapiazza (Italian) "From the plaza."Girardi (Italian) "Descendant of Gerardo, Italian form of Gerard (spear, hard)."Miller (English) "One who grinds grain."Rule (English) 1) "One who came from Rule (hedgerow spring), in Staffordshire." 2) "Descendant of Raoul (counsel, wolf)."-- Nanaea
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thank u very much nanaea....this will become very uselful too me!
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You're welcome, Deena! Thanks for coming back to let us know you got what you were looking for. :)-- Nanaea
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