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[Games] Create Your Family- Part 3
This is written when your multiple births are two years old. Your oldest child would be in first grade. You get a pet. Is it a cat? Dog? Or even a rat, or snake? Talk about that for a bit. You decide to adopt twins from a foreign country. These children must be from the country of someone on this board. You can choose the sexes. So I guess this will be long as well. Dear friends and family, Chris and I have decided to adopt twins from France! Michele Aurelie and Felix Pascal became an official part of our family October 20, and were born April 14. They are six months old. Bella, Matt, Ben, and Cecily are fascinated with their new sibilings. At the same time, we have decided to get a kitten. His name is Marcus and he's a beautiful Russian Blue. Marcus is now the king of the house, strutting around everywhere he goes. It's amusing to see. He's very gentle with the children. Bella is in first grade and is learning simple addition and subtraction. Every day she comes home and asks us to give her math problems to solve. We have enrolled the triplets in Mommy and Me. Their least favorite part is naptime, although some days that is my favorite part. Love,
Hannah, Chris,
Matt, Ben, Cecily,
Michele, Felix,
MarcusEdited to include who sent the letter and to give hyperlinks

This message was edited 1/30/2005, 5:19 AM

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Hello all!
Well we brought the twins home two weeks ago. Josh, Maggie and Kate were so excited to stay with their Aunt Amanda when we went to England to pick up the twins. Frederick Andrew and Grace Jacqueline are almost a year old and are fascinated by American cartoons and their brother and sisters' toys. We also finally got a dog. Brian wanted a German Shepard, I wanted a little dog like a Yorkie, Maggie wanted something cuddly and fluffy and Kate wanted a Great Dane (the big doggie, she calls it - one of our neighbors have one) and Josh wanted every dog he saw. We ended up getting a boxer mix from the pound and named him Billy. Josh doesn't like being in school all day. His favorite part is lunch and recess. He also seems to like science.
I have my hands full all day taking care of both sets of twins and the dog! Talk to everyone soon,
Kelly, Brian, Josh, Maggie, Kate, Freddy, Grace and Billy
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Dear Friends and Family, Michael and I have thought long and hard about this decision. On August 13th, we decided to adopt twins from Germany! Airiella Burgen and Christopher James have become a part of our happy family! Airellia has black hair and deep, brown eyes, and Christopher has dark brown hair with very light brown eyes. Both were born on March 20th. They are almost 6 months old! Alysha and Kristin love to play with Christopher and Airellia very much! Donovan, however, has been really shy. He misses his sisters a lot because they always go play with Chris and Airellia more often now. Michael and I are just hoping that Donovan opens up more to them.While all of this is going on, we decided to adopt a kitten for the children to play with. She is a beautiful Manecoon named Mistique! Donovan loves Mistique the most, I would say, because he's too shy to open up to the new twins. Hopefully, he'll grow out of this.Donovan is now in first grade! He is learning basic addition and subtraction right now, and he's really good at it, too! His hair is getting longer, too. His hair is growing into a little bowl cut a little past his ears. I'm in shock with how fast it's growing...I guess he got that from me! :)We'll send you some pictures shortly!Love always,
Heather, Michael,
Donovan, Alysha, Kristin,
Airellia, Chris
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This is written when your multiple births are two years old. Your oldest child would be in first grade. You get a pet. Is it a cat? Dog? Or even a rat, or snake? Talk about that for a bit. You decide to adopt twins from a foreign country. These children must be from the country of someone on this board. You can choose the sexes. So I guess this will be long as well.
Dear Friends & Family, For those of you who haven't heard, we've recently made a few new additons to our family. We adopted beautiful identical twin girls from England, and arrived back with them 3 weeks ago. They are now exactly 4 months old. We feel so blessed to have 2 sets of twins now! The girls already had first names, and we decided we liked them so much that we'd keep those names--Freya and Ruby. We chose their mn's for our family members, so we love you to all welcome: Freya Kathleen & Ruby Shirley-Anne
Born February 15thIsla, who is now in 1st grade, is loving being a big sister to 4! She told us that she wouldn't mind another boy, though. Ha! We hope she'll be appeased for now by the addition of our orange MALE tabby cat, Sam. He's incredibly docile but also playful and loving, and has been great with all the kids. Quinn & Maeve are also doing very well despite being smack in the middle of the "terrible 2's" (and that they are!). They are into everything, but they love "kissing" and "loving on" Freya & Ruby. Sometimes I wish they wouldn't be so affectionate! The whole family is doing very well, though, and we feel very blessed to have such a big & happy (and healthy) family. Love,
Heather, Ian, Isla, Quinn, Maeve, Freya & Ruby
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Dear friends and family,A lot has been going on with us! Starting with smaller news, we got a dog! Her name is Ginger, she's a 2 year old daschund that we adopted. The kids simply adore her and she adores them as well.Thomas is in first grade and doing well. He had to adjust some because he wasn't used to the all day scedule but so far he really likes it and he loves his teacher. And we've just started him in piano lessons.The twins Simon and Isabel are also doing great. The terrible twos have hit but so far nothing major. Just two hyper-active toddlers. They've even developed their own little language between eachother.And in big news. Steve and I have adopted twins from England. Henry Joseph and Charles Adam "Charlie" have joined our family. They're 9 months old and adjusting to us but we're glad to report that they're doing great. There was a little jealousy from Simon and Isabel but I think they're starting to get used to their little brothers and becoming more accepting. Thomas of course loves them, if it were up to him, we would have a dozen children!Love,Jamie and Stephen plus,
Thomas, Simon, Isabel and Henry and Charlie
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Dear Friends and Family, It's been a while since I've last written, everything has been so busy. The quads (Alex, Becca, Adam & Chris) are currently in their "Terrible Twos" stage and the house is a disaster but we love it all the same. Alexander is the little leader of the group, and insists on making his siblings do what their supposed to. If only it made our lives easier. Becca is a little chatterbox and delights in telling everyone anything she happens to hear. Extremely cute, but you have to be careful what you say around her. Adam & Chris have emerged as the little comedians of their quartet and love to find or tell anything funny that they find. Adam is however much more of a momma's boy and when we're in public tends to hide behind legs etc... He's gotten better though. Chris is as gregarious as can be. He loves being the center of attention. Nate is in 1st grade and is again loving it. He loves all things sports and even enjoys his time with the horses. We think he's beginning to fancy himself a cowboy, and he's asked for his own pony but we've still unsure. He and Garret are still attached at the hip and in a certain way Garret's become one of our own. They've both become rather obsessed with reading Harry Potter lately and have each asked to go as him for Halloween. Amazingly no fights ensued and Kara (Garret's mom) and I have each found costumes that work. After some more deliberation we decided to get a puppy. I know the family who bred the litter and they offered us one of the Black Lab puppies as a thanks for treating one of their other dogs. We managed to negotiate with the kids and the pup is now called Jasper. He spends most of his time chasing Nate around the house or playing with one of the other dogs. He's a cutey but is growing fast.

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Dear friends and family,Sean and I would like to introduce our two new babies from England. We started the adoption process earlier this year and finaly recieved our babies last week on July 19th. They were born January 12th so they are a little over 7 months old. We have decided to keep the names they came with; Emma Grace and Charlotte Anna.At the same time we have decided to get another kitten after the death of our beloved cat Zeus last year. He is blond and white and weve decided to call him Murphy. Aiden, Ethan, and Berke just love him. Emma and Charlotte are getting used to him just as they are everything.Aiden is in first grade now and is learning to read. He just loves to show off to his little brothers by reading the signs as we drive down the road.Ethan and Berke are happy staying home all day with mommy playing but are having a bit of a hard time adjusting to the twins. They were used to being the babies and now have had to give up that spot.Love,
Nikki, Sean,
Ethan, Berke,
Emma, Charlotte,
and Murphy
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Dear Friends and Family,
James and I finally got the twins! A boy and a girl, from Russia. We named them Camille Josephine and Thomas Alexander. Camille and Thomas are 3 months old and seem to be thrilled to be with us. The kids absolutely adore their new brother and sister. Annie seems to have bonded with them especially. I think she feels left out of the triplets 'group'.
The kids also decided we needed a dog. James and I relented finally, there is plenty of land for him to run around on. We got an adorable Golden Retriever puppy and named him Leo. He's part of the family now, despite all the shoes he chews.
Susannah is in first grade now, and the triplets are in pre-school. Annie still loves school, but the triplets are having a hard time. The teachers say that Kate, William and Julia tend to ignore the other children. I've tried to get them to play with the others but they only seem to have an interest in eachother. Oh well though, things could be much worse ;). Bye for Now!
James, Caroline
Katherine, Julia, William
Camille and Thomas
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Dearest dears of a family,Things are ever-so-hectic at the moment. Mena's whines for a pet have finally given way. We've allowed her a bowl of fish. Really, it's a lot better than a bowl; she's got a huge tank, now, and it's full of little buggers. Blame Christo. I think he might've been deprived of fish as a child, because he's the one who insisted letting our daughter have ten fish would help her become responsible. Of course, thus far, it's worked. They're called Flippy, Floppy, Swish, Mosh, Orrie, Wendy, Paula, Dave, Lovey, and Fluffernutter. (Christo named that last one--I named Dave.)She's been doing very well, as have the little ones. (I think I'll call them "the little ones" forever--"the quads" sounds stupid, after all.) Ag's been tearing around the house like there's no tomorrow, along with Lock. Jokey is a bit calmer, and Edie's been the sweetest thing possible.Meanwhile, Christo has not yet agreed to try out this foster-parent thing (now that we're working on building a big house out in what will hopefully stay the middle of nowhere, I think it'd be great), but we've come to a great compromise. We're finishing up adopting the dearest little children I've seen since I first got to hold the little ones. They're Swedish, and at the moment, they're two roly-poly blondes who stare at us with wide-eyed fascination.They're called Johan Valentin and Lisbet Sibylla. Johan is going to have to become a Han--I don't think Joachim would like it if he couldn't be a Jo. Lisbet is quickly becoming a Betsy.Much love to you all,
Christopher, Ivy, Philomena, Agnes, Laurence, Joachim, Edith, Johan, and Lisbet
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Dear friends and family,Yet again, we have two new additions to the family! We adopted twin girls from Scotland last month. Elspeth Ainsley and Isobel Mairead joined our family on March 7th, and were born last year on December 12th. Lilia, Finley, and Ivy are all very excited!Also, we have recently adopted a dog as well. Sadie is an adorable golden retriever puppy, and she loves to run outside with the children.Lilia is now in first grade and is quite the avid reader! She has many friends in her class and loves all aspects of school. Finley and Ivy are keeping us busy as well.Love,
Merry, Josh,
Finley, Ivy,
Elspeth, Isobel,
and Sadie
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Hello all,Finlay Samuel and Colin Heath have recently joined our family. They are identical twin boys from Scotland. They were born three weeks ago on May 10th. Finn weighed in at 6 pounds, 1 ounce and 19 inches long. Colin was 5 pounds, 12 ounces and 18 inches long. The adoption process was very fast. The boys birth mother, Caoimhe, fell in love with our family and thanks to her we have these two beautiful boys. Ethan works and a successful veterinarian. Recently he came across a pony who needed a good home. She was abused and malnourished. Since we have had no use for our horse stables we have decided to give her a new life. We have named her Agatha. She is absolutely beautiful and has gained loads of weight. The children are completely in love with her. The love to spend as much time with her as possible. Stella and Moira are now two years old. Their favorite thing to do is spend the night at my parents house because they get spoiled rotten. Stella and Moira are awesome big sister and love to help out when ever possible. Gabe is now in first grade and is on a t-ball team. He’s made lots of friends and is doing excellent in school. He loves to play outside with his best friend, Nate. Nate is in the same class as Gabe and is the son of my best friend, Nicole. Love,
Ethan, Lisa, Gabe, Stella, Moira, Finn, Colin and Agatha Hathaway.

This message was edited 1/30/2005, 1:47 PM

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Hello again!As you all know, you are invited to our get together to welcome our newest additions to the family, whom Ty and myself adopted from Ireland. Aislin Isibéal and Enya Máire were just 3 months old when they came to live with us. We were expecting a little longer wait, but the quicker the better.Along with two new wonderful children, we decided to adopt a retired greyhound. His name is Tango, and he is so great with the children. Sara, Ella, and Reese wanted a cat, but my husband is allergic, but they love the dog more than ever. Sara has become such a big girl, and is in the first grade. She loves every minute of it all. She can't wait to go, and hates when I come to pick her up. They have a reading buddy program where once a week, a sixth grader comes to the first grade class and help the first graders read. Sara's buddy is Riley, and Sara comes home telling so many stories on how Riley is her new best friend. They even play with eachother at recess! I'm so excited that she is so excited about school. She even got the quads excited, and they can not wait to join preschool.Love,
Ty, Jamieson, Sara, Nathan, Luke, Ella, Reese, Aislin, Enya and Tango.
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MineDear all,We've adopted some more children - now the twins have become toddlers, I miss having babies crawling around the house. We've acquired twins from Scotland - Heather Jolie and Angus George. When we got them they didn't have middle names, so Dominic chose one for Heather and I chose one for Angus. They were born on the 7th June, so they're now three months old. Morgan and Blythe love them, but Archie seems a little jealous.We've also bought the family a fish, called Bernard. He's one of those ones that look like a little bolt of electricity. Morgan is fascinated with him. Talking of Morgan, he's now started school, and is coming along very well with his writing. He remains quite shy, though he still hangs around with Francis. The twins are still at home, creating havoc.Anyway, toodle-oo, see you soon,Tulip, Dominic, Morgan, Archie, Blythe, Heather, Angus and Bernard.

This message was edited 1/30/2005, 1:07 PM

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