[Facts] a new name for you
i have a daughter named hastings and id like to know more of her name ..i do know that it usually is a surname and is also the name for the battle of england(what she is named for) in 1066 but i would really like to know the origin of it .
Did you nurse her on Senlac when she was a baby?
Hastings as a place in Sussex, England means in Old English, "Settlement of the family or followers of a man named Haesta", from Haesta + ingas.
- Da.
Hastings as a place in Sussex, England means in Old English, "Settlement of the family or followers of a man named Haesta", from Haesta + ingas.
- Da.
thankyou .....and no i gave all my children historic names from that period but i wasnt sure if it meant something.....again thankyou
did you mean similac?....ive never heard of senlac
i got that after i went to bed...lol...sry
Actually, Senlac was a somewhat feeble pun on Similac. Senlac Hill was the actual physical site of the Battle of Hastings... : )
A fine example of Da at the height of his hysterical , errr, historical form :P